
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Beware of E Coli Bacteria on Cell Phones

E coli
Mobile phones have become part of our daily lives. It is not unusual that many people have all the time, unaware of its potential to prevent disease-causing bacteria.
A studies conducted in the United Kingdom found that one in six mobile phones used in the country was contaminated with the bacterium E. coli.

The Bacterial contamination is believed to be caused by mobile phone user’s bad habits who do not wash their hands after using the bathroom or holding anything else.

Though most respondents said that they have washed their hands with soap or sanitizers after using the bathroom, the results showed nine out of every 10 mobile phones were contaminated with E. coli. Similarly, eight out of 10 of his hands were also contaminated.

"The result of the study shows that many mobile phone users do not wash their hands properly, especially after using the bathroom," said Dr. Val Curtis of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Escherichia coli bacteria in short  E coli bacteria one of the main species of gram-negative bacteria. This bacteria was discovered by Theodor Escherich usually lives in the feces, and can cause human health problem such as diarrhea, vomiting and other digestive problems.

In fact, not all E Coli bacteria are harmful to the human body. There are only certain types of these bacteria that can lead to serious diseases such as the E. coli strain O104: H4 that affect Germany several years, and E. coli strain O157: H7 outbreak 1982 in the United States.

Type O104: H4 is included in the Enterohaemorrhagic  E. coli (EHEC) category, which is the cause of  bloody diarrhea. Even these cases often develop into hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a disease that can cause kidney failure and a variety of other infectious complications.

It is advisable to wash hands after using the toilet and to make it sure always bring hand sanitizer anywhere to avoid E. coli

Monday, October 17, 2011

Poison Tips and Prevention

There are lots of cases in poisoning all over the world from food poisoning or other accidental causes. 

Each year, approximately 2.4 million people more than half under age 6 swallow or have contact with a poisonous substance. As poison prevention, and appropriate, immediate treatment to poison contact or ingestion, are critical to keeping your child safe, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has some important tips. Please feel free to excerpt these tips or use them in their entirety for any print or broadcast story, with acknowledgement of source.

To poison proof your home:

Most poisonings occur when parents or caregivers are home but not paying attention. The most dangerous potential poisons are medicines, cleaning products, antifreeze, windshield wiper fluid, pesticides, furniture polish, gasoline, kerosene and lamp oil. Be especially vigilant when there is a change in routine. Holidays, visits to and from grandparents' homes, and other special events may bring greater risk of poisoning if the usual safeguards are defeated or not in place. 

  • Store medicine, cleaners, paints/varnishes and pesticides in their original packaging in locked cabinets or containers, out of sight and reach of children.
  • Install a safety latch that locks when you close the door on child-accessible cabinets containing harmful products.
  • Purchase and keep all medicines in containers with safety caps. Discard unused medication.
  • Never refer to medicine as "candy" or another appealing name.

  • Check the label each time you give a child medicine to ensure proper dosage.
  • Never place poisonous products in food or drink containers.
  • Keep coal, wood or kerosene stoves in safe working order.
  • Maintain working smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Different types and methods of poisoning require different, immediate treatment:
  • Swallowed poison Remove the item from the child, and have the child spit out any remaining substance. Do not make your child vomit. Do not use syrup of ipecac.
  • Skin poison -- Remove the child's clothes and rinse the skin with lukewarm water for at least 15 minutes.
  • Eye poison -- Flush the child's eye by holding the eyelid open and pouring a steady stream of room temperature water into the inner corner.
  • Poisonous fumes Take the child outside or into fresh air immediately. If the child has stopped breathing, start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and do not stop until the child breathes on his or her own, or until someone can take over.

  • American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
    141 Northwest Point Blvd.
    Elk Grove Village, IL 60007-1098
    United States

Color of Your Tongue Can Reveal Early Signs of Disease

There are different ways to check our health conditions, other health practitioner use eye examination while the other use some sophisticated equipments to check our body condition. I have found a very good article worth for sharing to everybody of us.
by: Junji Takano
Can you reveal your health by simply examining your tongue? Actually, your tongue can tell you a lot of hidden information about your body.
In this article, I'll tell you what you need to know on how diseases can be found by observing your tongue.
Currently, diagnosis of diseases is widely being done through medical blood test and CT scan. Traditionally, body and facial color, including the eyes, tongue, and even pulse, has been used to determine and diagnose abnormality in the body. These methods are currently being done in Traditional Chinese Medicine and even in modern medics.

How Tongue Diagnosis is Performed
Tongue diagnosis effectively works as a health watchdog.
Firstly, a healthy human tongue is pinkish in color and is gently moist with a light coating just like the photo below.
A tongue that is unusual in color may be an indication of some problem in the body. Lack of water, vitamins, stress, and fatigue, can also lead to slight color changes of the tongue.

To obtain accurate information, also perform the following guidelines:
1.   Observe the patient's general activities.
2.   Observe the patient's vocal problems.
3.   Diagnose the symptoms and cause of illness, family health, life, and work environment.
4.   Pay attention to other circumstances related to the disease.
Finally, “pulse diagnosis” is also performed in conjunction with tongue diagnosis. They are both considered important diagnostic tools in Chinese medicine and are used to plan your treatment.
Pulse diagnosis however, is quite difficult to perform and you should have at least a simple knowledge and experience with this technique. Nevertheless, pulse diagnosis provides immediate and valuable information about the changes happening in your body together with tongue diagnosis.
Benefits of Tongue Diagnosis
1.   Generally, monitoring your health condition by looking at your tongue is a basic, easy to learn form of diagnosis while providing you quick result.
2.   The tongue is quite useful in tracking the progress of your illness, and also helps in preventing it.
How Tongue Diagnosis Works
Orthodox doctors perform tongue diagnosis to detect and effectively spot symptoms based on scientific evidence.
In Chinese medicine, it is believed that the tongue closely reflects the condition of your health. It acts like a map wherein specific areas of the tongue links to specific organs of your body. When your body is healthy, your tongue also appears active, clear, and healthy. Since the ancient times, Chinese believe that tongue is like a mirror reflecting the nature of our body.
Top 10 Most Interesting Tongue Trivia
1.   If you have yellow coating on your tongue, then you may have a fever or a stomach problem. A pale pink tongue could be an indicative of an illness as well.
2.   Like fingerprints, every tongue has its own print.
3.   The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body and is the only muscle that is connected on one end.
4.   The current world record holder for the longest tongue is Stephen Taylor (UK), whose tongue measured in at 9.5 centimeters as of 2006.
5.   The tongue is the fastest healing part of the body.
6.   The muscles in the back of your tongue are responsible for making particular sounds like the hard “g” sound and the letter “k”.
7.   Your tongue keeps working to push saliva into your throat even while you're sleeping.
8.   The most common location for bad breath is the tongue.
9.   Almost half of the bacteria in the mouth live on the surface of your tongue.
10.          Tongue piercing has been around and practiced since the ancient times by some cultures as a ritual symbol.

About the Author:
Junji Takano is a Japanese health researcher involved in investigating the cause of many dreadful diseases. In 1968, he invented PYRO-ENERGEN, the first electrostatic therapy device for electromedicine that effectively eradicates viral diseases, cancer, and diseases of unknown cause.
Click here to find out more:
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Health benefits of Taro that we must know

Taro is a native of Tahiti, Hawaii, and in tropical countries, especially in Southeast Asia. In the Philippines it is abundantly planted or grown in wild and locally called as Gabi. During holy week Filipinos love to cook Taro used in fasting. Taro is well known, with large leaves that resemble an elephant's ear. In the Philippines there are two 3 famous variety of Taro the native the American and the one called as badjang. Of the 3 mention the native variety is the famous it is well grown and taken care of by the farmer as well as sold at higher price than the American as it is commonly grown in wild, while the bajang has no use because it has a very sticky substance that cannot be eaten.  

Taro is very easy to grown. It's delicious and nutritious compared to other hard-to plant vegetables. It is edible leaf to its corm.
Taro roots

100 grams of taro contains almost 0% fat and cholesterol, and about 112 calories, 11 milligrams sodium, 2 g protein, contains vitamin A, C, E, K, iron, calcium, and many others making it rich in vitamins and minerals.

If we all come together Taro crops can help world hunger. More over 100 million people worldwide are currently eating taro. It grows in moist soils in the humid tropics of many countries. In Philippines Japan, Korea and China, consumes most taro plant and in daily diet with a variety of cakes for cooking the main meal. In some party or celebration taro is always present as it is being used as additive in some menu.

We can plant taro in the garden in the backyard, even in a small container garden. From my childhood time, I planted taro, inherited this from my lolo who planted taro in his farm and backyard.

We can grind taro, potatoes mashed with sugar or other ingredients to suit our taste. We can bake, or you can fry to our taste.

In other country, Taro is roasted, boiled, added to pork, beef or baked and cakes. Compared to potato Taro has a higher proportion of protein, calcium and phosphorus. It is also rich in vitamins A and C. Taro is rich in amylase, which breaks the sugar with the saliva for faster digestion. For people with digestive problems Taro is great. For infants taro flour is used in foods, especially for those with allergies, such as lactose intolerance.

Tooth decay prevention, Taro is also good food.

Today, many crops are affected by pollution. Dioxins, toxins, insecticides, industrial chemicals, pollutants, nuclear radiation, and many others affect our daily diet in our farmland. It is rumored that Taro is a crop free of contaminants. We can taro without fear taro, taro is not affected.


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Health Benefits of Papaya We Must Know

Papaya health befits is very important to both humans and animal. Papayas are abundantly grown all over Philippines. Aside from being delicious to Papaya also contain, abundant health benefits and medicinal value. Papaya contains natural fiber, carotene, vitamin C and essential minerals. Papaya can be eaten as a fruit, a smoothie or even a milkshake, and also contain enzymes like arginine and carpain. Arginine is an amino acid, it is essential for male fertility while carpain is said to be good for our heart.

Papaya for the Beauty

There are products came from Papaya which is used in many skin lightening creams. Lotions or creams that contain papaya are used to lighter or fairer skin. Papaya is used also in treatment for acne. Papaya is well known to makes the skin glow. The enzyme called papain can be found in Papaya which helps to dissolve dead skin, thus making a fresh and clean glow face.

Papaya for Anti-aging

Papaya fruit helps lowers cholesterol levels and its high in fiber. Papaya is rich in antioxidants that greatly help prevents the cholesterol from oxidizing. If cholesterol in the body gets oxidized, it will lead to heart-attacks. Eating papaya helps prevent anti-aging since it is rich in anti-oxidants.

Some more health benefits of Papaya

Papaya helps prevent constipation and also aid in digestion. Papaya contains the protein called papain which is a digestive enzyme that helps in natural digestion process.

Papaya juice helps in alleviating infections of the colon by clearing away the infection, pus and mucus. Regular consumption will help in improving the problem.

The skin of papaya is excellent for treating skin wounds and places that do not heal quickly.

Papaya is low in calories and high in nutritive value hence it is an excellent food for those on a diet.

Papaya contains a high amount of potassium and the flesh of papaya is very high in Vitamin A.

Regularly consuming papaya helps to relieve morning sickness and nausea.

Papaya has anti-inflammatory properties and anti-cancerous properties. The anti-inflammatory properties in papaya will help reduce pain for those suffering from arthritis, edema and osteoporosis.

Papaya is very good for those who frequently suffer from cold, cough or flu because intake of papaya boosts the immune system. The high concentration of Vitamin C and Vitamin A contained in papaya is very beneficial to strengthen the immune system.

Papaya is also very good for the hair and helps in controlling dandruff. Papaya shampoos are good for the hair and are available in many health stores.

Raw papaya also helps in reducing menstrual irregularities for women. Papaya helps to ease the condition by promoting natural flow of menstruation.

Papaya cleans the stomach and studies have shown that papaya alone eaten for 3 to 4 days has a highly beneficial tonic effect upon the stomach and intestines.

Papaya seeds and leaves are useful in treating intestinal worms found in the body.
Papaya is very important fruits all of its body parts, from seeds leaves and fruits are very beneficial to humans. The whole fruit from inside and the outside can be utilized and no part of the fruit is useless.

Papaya can be grown in backyard and easy to grow, everybody must learn to love eating papaya, except from savoring taste it is very good to our health too.