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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How to use Banaba Plant for Weight loss?

In a study conducted patients who are taking Banaba herbal tea reduce weight without side effects. The corosolic acid in Banaba leaves and flowers acts by delaying and reducing the absorption of carbohydrates by the body, thus continued drinking of banaba tea causes weight loss without any side effects.

Preparation and application of Banaba herbal tea for weight loss management 

•    Dry Banaba leaves and fruits without exposing the sunlight
•    Cut Banaba leaves and fuits into small peices
•    Boil the dried leaves and fruits in water,
•    Boil one cup of dried banaba leaves and fruits to 2 cups of water.
•    Seep for 30 minutes, strain the leaves and fruits.
•    Take the Banaba herbal tea for 2 to 5 times day

According to studies Banaba has no known toxic. But if you feel of discomport please stop using Banaba. And the most important thing is before you take Banaba herbal Tea it must be first consulted to doctor.


  1. how will i dry the banaba leaves without exposing it to sunlight??.....Please reply

  2. you can dry banaba leaves without exposing to sunligth, put banaba under the shade without direct sunlight

  3. The corosolic acid in Banaba leaves and flowers acts by delaying and reducing the absorption of carbohydrates by the body, thus continued drinking of banaba tea causes weight loss without any side effects.
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