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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Onions Medicinal Value You Must Know


Onions can be started from seed or from sets. Sets are slightly more costly but give a much faster result than seeds. In the south, they can be planted in the fall for a spring harvest, but in the north, early spring is the best time to plant. When planting sets, be definite that you plant the bulb let with the pointed finish up.

Onions are so common in today's society that they tend to forget their importance and the variety of makes use of they have. They are valuable culinary vegetables, and also have medicinal value. Some make decorative contributions to the garden, and they are important Companion Plants for other vegetables.


The color of an onion gives you some insight in to it is properties. The white onions are the strongest, followed by yellow, with red or purple being the mildest-flavored types. The length of day affects the growth of some onions, so when purchasing onion sets or seeds, is definite to find out whether the onion in query is appropriate for your area. Some do better in the south and others do better in the north and some do well anywhere.


Onions prefer rich, well-drained, damp soil. They are simple plant to grow and need tiny maintenance other than weeding one time planted. Harvest young scallions at any time. To harvest mature bulbs, wait until the tops start to yellow. Knock the plants down & leave them there for a couple of days. Then carefully pull the plant. Move harvested bulbs to a dry area & set them on a screen for a few days for drying. They can then be braided together or placed in mesh bags for storage. They keep well if stored properly, and do not keep well in the refrigerator.


Onions Has strong Medicinal Properties


For centuries Onions have been used for medicinal properties. It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, and Onion Ointment is said to prevent infection in wounds and burns. Another use externally for age spots, warts, or freckles is to mix onion juice with vinegar and rub on the affected areas.

Onion is a member of Allium family that is thought to have some impact on high cholesterol and blood pressure.  An onion Tea can be made and used daily, but the taste is not so good.  Onion can be adde to your diet for blood pressure and high cholesterol. 


Maybe there's a happy medium somewhere in there, but do experiment with onions and their extracts if you have blood pressure or cholesterol problems.  Onions are perfectly safe for ingestion and as such, you can experiment with different ways to make them work for you.



The down side to this is that onion compounds travel through the body when ingested and it takes time to process them out through sweat or breathing that resulted to bad odor to your self.

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