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Saturday, September 17, 2011

How to make Oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN)

Many People are advocating Natural Farming. Lot of them is experimenting to gain profit in Natural Farming business. To make it profitable some are making fermented juices for plants and animals for a better yield. In our previous article I have mentioned on How to make Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ) as well as Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ). In this article I will try to explain another Fermented Juice, like fermented fruit and plant juices, Oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN) is a fermented product that is of great help to natural farming.

Oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN) can be to enhance the nutrients of livestock feeds.  Likewise in growing crop production Oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN) is commonly used as natural Insect repellant. The Oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN) is very much effective in enhancing the Immune system of both plants and animals.

Here is the procedure in making Oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN):


4 kilos of crushed ginger
4 kilos of crushed garlic
3 kilos of muscovado/brown sugar or molasses
10 liters of gin or liquor 30 to 40 proof


1.    Mix the some of the ingredients (4 kg, crushed garlic, 4 kg. crushed ginger and 3 kg muscovado/brown sugar or molasses). Store it inside the jar cover and keep it sealed. After three days, add 10 liters of gin or liquor. Keep the jar sealed again.

Note: See to it that the jar is not fully filled. Leave at least 2 inches unfilled.

2.    Draw off the liquid after 10 days. The first extract is good for animal. Together
3.    with other juices, fermented fruit juice, fermented plant juice, and fish amino acid, Oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN) is incorporated in the animal feeds.

4.    After the 2nd procedure, add the same amount of gin taken from the first extraction. For stronger potency fresh or dry chili, neem tree fruit, curry fruit, makabuhay(panyawan in cebuano) and marigold can be added. After 10 days, extract the juice again. The extracted juice for the second time is good for use in growing plants.

5. For the 3rd time, add the same amount of gin taken. After 10 days, extract the liquid again.

The Oriental Herbal Nutrient (OHN) Juice can be mix with other fermented juices and spray on the leaves of the plants and on the soil every week.
It is good for all stages of plant growth. In animal it can be used as feeds additive together with other Fermented Juices.


  1. Can I used the Bar Gin? What are other brands of gin that can be used? What is liquor 30 to 40 proof? Thanks

  2. Why do we need to add gin? Is beer not enough? Why does it being said that we need to wait for enough amount of time like 10 days and before this like why not 7days or after like 14 days? Though I know, it was the ideal time, it's just that I wanna know the reason behind like the scientific explanation.
