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Monday, July 11, 2011

The Coconut Sap Sugar Process

coco sugar

  • Coconut sap sugar is derived not from the nut but from the toddy/sweet sap (tuba)
  • The unopened inflorescence is thinly sliced (~6mm)
  • Sap oozing out from the inflorescence is collected
  • The sap is boiled, and concentrated, to form granulated sugar.
  • Coconut sap contains 12-18% sugar, essential vitamins and amino acids and macro and micronutrients.

Coconut Sap Sugar Profile:
  • Glucose – 2.00
  • Fructose – 2.90
  • Sucrose – 85.68
  • Reducing sugars – 7.51
  • Total invert sugar (mixture of glucose and fructose) – 97.65
Process Flow:
1.     Collect toddy
2.     Strain, heat and stir continuously
3.     When thickens, cool
4.     Heat, stir, granulate
5.     Cool, stir
6.     Collect sugar and weigh
7.     Pack in bottles and plastic bags
1.     Boil coco sap to evaporate the water under moderate heat with occasional stirring until liquid thickens at 115° C.
2.     Remove it from the flame when it begins to become very sticky.
3.     Continue mixing until  it becomes granular.
4.     Air dry the brown sugar before placing them in a packaging material.
Glycemic Index (GI) of Coco Sap Sugar
  • Based on Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) study on 2007, the GI of coconut sap sugar was 36, hence classified as Low GI food, which can be used as natural sweetener of diabetics
  • The GI is a ranking system for carbohydrates based on the immediate effect on blood glucose levels.
  • The higher the number, the greater the blood sugar response.
  • A low GI food will cause a small rise in blood glucose level, while a high GI food will trigger a dramatic spike.

Philippine Coconut Authority

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