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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Causes of High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure

In most cases of high blood pressure causes of the condition remain unknown. Irrespective of the high blood pressure causes treatment can be provided to minimize the ill effects of high blood pressure and relieve high blood pressure symptoms like anxiety and headaches. Although there may not always be specific causes of high blood pressure it is undeniable that there are certain conditions that could contribute to or significantly increase the risk of developing high blood pressure. While not all of these factors are controllable, awareness about them does make us conscious of the existence of the risk of high blood pressure, and consequently keeps us alert to the warning signs. The practice of breathing exercises, switching to specific diet foods, and herbs or supplements can help lower blood pressure naturally.

Age: This is one of the biggest risk factors for elevated blood pressure levels and as you age the risk of developing high blood pressure keeps increasing. In the past the age group affected may have been higher, but with the changes to our lifestyle and increased stress levels, pollution and unhealthy diets high blood pressure has also begin to affect younger adults, which is why it is best to start going for annual checkups after the age of eighteen.

Diet: Diets with a high fat content are one of the major causes of high blood pressure. A high blood pressure diet plan or chart will always exclude foods like red meats, junk foods, and other fried or refined foods. There are plenty of healthy alternatives and you can prepare your own high blood pressure diet menu, with recipes for high blood pressure from internet resources. Most of the foods that cause high blood pressure are the ones that are high in sugar content, hydrogenated oils and trans fatty acids. Salty foods, fatty dairy products, greasy and deep fried foods and fatty meat products should all be avoided or eaten sparingly to avoid high blood pressure problems.

Stress: The relationship between stress and high blood pressure cannot be understated and its contribution to increased incidence of the condition in modern society is undeniable. Stress related disorders are on the rise because increasing levels of competitiveness and tremendous technological growth that has changed the urban and social landscape. This stress could either be emotional stress or even physical stress in the individual.

Racial Factors: African Americans are believed to be at a higher risk of developing high blood pressure as compared to Caucasians and this is also likely to occur earlier in life and cause complications of greater severity.

Socio-Economic Status: Although high blood pressure may be uniformly prevalent across all sections of society, the less educated and lower socio-economic groups may be more affected because of a lack of awareness and also a lack of access to quality diets.

Heredity: This is another factor that cannot be controlled and people with a family history of high blood pressure are predisposed to developing the condition.

Gender: Men are generally thought to be a lot more likely to develop high blood pressure as compared to women, but this could vary in different populations. While all of these factors may be uncontrollable there are some things that we can control.

Body Weight: Obesity is known to be one of the biggest risk factors for developing high blood pressure because blood pressure rises with increasing weight. It is highly advisable for anyone who is overweight to attempt to reduce some weight through healthy methods like dieting and working out. Patterns of weight gain are also believed to indicate the risk of obesity to some extent as those who gain weight mainly around the abdominal area are at higher risk, while those who gain weight on the hips and thighs, although at risk would not be as susceptible.

Salt: Some individuals have greater sensitivity to sodium and the consumption of salt will therefore cause a rise in blood pressure. In such a scenario, simply cutting down on salt intake would lower blood pressure naturally. High blood pressure diets are typically low in salt.

Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol consumption is also known to raise blood pressure levels, particularly in those sensitive to alcohol.

Medications and Contraceptives: Women who have been on contraceptive pills may be at increased risk of developing high blood pressure and the use of certain medications like diet pills or amphetamines could also contribute to the problem.

Home Remedies for High Blood Pressure

Garlic and Parsely


High Blood Pressure Treatment using Garlic

The relationship between garlic and high blood pressure has been investigated scientifically, and found to be quite sound. Garlic is regarded as an effective means of lowering blood pressure. It is said to reduce spasms of the small arteries. It also slows down the pulse rate and modifies the heart rhythm, besides relieving the symptoms of dizziness, numbness, shortness of breath, and the formation of gas within the digestive tract. It may be taken in the form of raw cloves or two to three capsules a day.

High Blood Pressure Treatment using Indian Gooseberry

Indian gooseberry is another effective remedy for high blood pressure. A tablespoon each of fresh indian gooseberry juice and honey mixed together should be taken every morning in this condition.

High Blood Pressure Treatment using Lemon

Lemon is also regarded as a valuable food to control high blood pressure. It is a rich source of vitamin P which is found both in the juice and peel of the fruit. This vitamin is essential for preventing capillary fragility.

High Blood Pressure Treatment using Grapefruit

Grapefruit is useful in preventing high blood pressure. The vitamin P content in the fruit is helpful in toning up the arteries.

High Blood Pressure Treatment using Watermelon

Watermelon is another valuable safeguard against high blood pressure. A substance extracted from watermelon seeds is said to have a definite action in dilating the blood vessels, which results in lowering the blood pressure. The seeds, dried and roasted, should be taken in liberal quantities.

High Blood Pressure Treatment using Rice

Rice has a low-fat, low-cholesterol, and low-salt content. It makes a perfect diet for those hypertensive persons who have been advised salt-restricted diets. Calcium in brown rice, in particular, soothes and relaxes the nervous system and helps relieve the symptoms of high blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure Treatment using Potato

Potatoes, especially in boiled form, are a valuable food for lowering blood pressure. When boiled with their skin, they absorb very little salt. Thus they can form a useful addition to a salt-free diet recommended for patients with high blood pressure. Potatoes are rich in potassium but not in sodium salts. The magnesium present in the vegetable exercises beneficial effects in lowering blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure Treatment using Parsley

Parsley is very useful in high blood pressure. It contains elements, which help maintain the blood vessels, particularly, the capillaries. It keeps the arterial system in a healthy condition. It may be taken as a beverage by simmering 20 gm of fresh parsley leaves gently in 250 ml of water for a few minutes. This may be drunk several times daily.

High Blood Pressure Treatment using Rauwolfia

Among the herbs, rauwolfia is the best remedy for high blood pressure. Alkaloids of this drug, which have a direct effect on hypertension, have been isolated and are being widely used by practitioners of modem medicine, but they have certain unpleasant side-effects which the drug, taken in raw form, does not have. Practitioners of the Indian system of medicine have, therefore, preferred to use the root of the drug in a powdered from. Half a teaspoon of this drug, taken thrice a day, is very effective in hypertension.

High Blood Pressure Treatment using Vegetable Juice

Raw vegetable juices, especially carrot and spinach juices, taken separately or in combination, are also beneficial in the treatment of high blood pressure. If taken in combination, 300 ml of carrot juice and 200 ml of spinach juice should be mixed to make 500 ml or half a liter of the juice, and taken daily. If taken separately, one glass should be taken twice daily, morning and evening.

High Blood Pressure treatment using Dietary Calcium and Potassium

Recent studies have revealed an important link between dietary calcium and potassium and hypertension. Researchers have found that people who are on potassium-rich diets have a low incidence of hypertension even if they do not control their salt intake. They have also found that people with hypertension do not seem to get much calcium in the form of dairy products. These two essential nutrients seem to help the body secrete excess sodium and are involved in important functions which control the working of the vascular system. Potassium is found in abundance in fruits and vegetables, and calcium in dairy products.

High Blood Pressure Treatment using Hawthorn

Many herbal practitioners use Hawthorn for reducing high blood pressure risks naturally. Hawthorn supplements or extracts can be taken consumed under medical supervision to control high blood pressure. This particular herb does not have any known negative interactions with other drugs used for high blood pressure. The Chinese Hawthorn fruit is also beneficial in improving heart function, repairing heart muscle damage and dilating the heart blood vessels to enhance blood flow. Diabetics who suffer from high blood pressure can take a daily dose of Hawthorn extract to reduce high blood pressure naturally.

High Blood Pressure Treatment using Fish Oils

Fish oils supplements contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docohexaenoic acid (DHA) both of which can reduce high blood pressure naturally.

High Blood Pressure Treatment using Daikon Seed Extract

Daikon seed extracts have been widely used in herbal medicine for a variety of purposes. Daikon seed extracts not only help in lowering high blood pressure risks but also help in maintaining overall cardiovascular health.

High Blood Pressure Treatment using Holly Leaf

Holly leaf also known as Ilex aquifolium helps in enhancing blood circulation by expanding the blood vessels and also simultaneously reduces cholesterol in the body. Therefore this herbal remedy is great for controlling high blood pressure and also keeping the mind calm.

High Blood Pressure Treatment using Flaxseed

Flaxseed is very rich in fiber and therefore very effective in lowering LDL cholesterol and preserving HDL cholesterol. Flaxseeds should be consumed regularly along with soups, cereals and yogurt in order to reduce high blood pressure.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sardines – Little Fish, Super Food

by: Junji Takano


As everybody knows, sardines are popular fish since our ancestors. However, it is also a fact that there are many who do not like to eat sardines because of its offensive smell and rapid spoilage.
Knowing the character of it, I tried to study how to cook cutting down the smell and increase its fine taste from my mother. Furthermore, sardines are very rich in calcium, lecithin and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). EPA does an important role on preventing blood clot. The fish oil fatty acids reduce blood clotting by decreasing the stickiness of blood platelets.
Then, you should know the secret of sardines and its cooking techniques?
It's true that sardines are one of the weakest fishes. Sardines can easily crumple and rot which is the main reason most people dislike sardines. But if you know how to keep the shape of the sardine without crumpling, for sure you will like its great taste. It is because sardine itself removes or peels off scales for a certain reason which makes the shape of sardine collapses with its own weight and gravity. Of course, it is natural that collapsed fish meat does not taste good, just like rotten or deteriorated with empty taste.
To retain the freshness of the sardines, prepare a cooler box with water and ice cubes and place the sardines in it. This will keep the fish fresh.
Here's the reason sardines peel off its own scales. Sardines produce about ten thousand eggs, and because of that, it became the feed resource of other marine creatures. Sardines are exposed to the crisis of their lives. To escape or maneuver the attackers, sardines drop their own scales to make the eyes of the enemy black out.
Of course, sardines that lost their own scales are hurt and weak, so they easily die or spoil. You may notice that most sardines you buy in the markets have less or no scales. This is because of the unique habit of sardines to remove their scales when they were caught in the net.

How to Retain the Sardines at Best Condition

Sardine's salinity density is 1%; therefore, make an ice water of 1% salinity to balance and preserve the osmotic pressure. In this way, the excessive extract does not come out of the sardine's body. Also, it can hold down the offensive odor as well as its good taste. Sardines are one of the healthiest foodstuffs with rich calcium, EPA and lecithin contents.
As for calcium in fish, sardines are top class. 100g of sardines contains 70mg of calcium. This amount is 3 times than that of horse mackerel and 8 times that of mackerel. Also, sardines have the highest amount of EPA. There are 1,200mg of EPA for every 100g of sardines.

Observe the mouth where the sardines eat their feed. If you will measure the size of the mouth, you will notice that sardines mouths are much bigger than any other fishes, in order to take more plankton and other small feeds. Why sardines eat more small plankton more? It is to keep more EPA nutrient from phytoplankton and small plankton.
How about calcium? Sardines have more bones compare to other fishes. It is a soft, known bone, between the meats (small bones which we do not notice much when we eat). The number of such fine bones is 270, and it is 5 times more than horse mackerel. It has one of the richest calcium you can take

Now, you understand that sardines are very healthy food to take. If you have any pressure cooker, then, it is easy to make sardines, like the can you are buying in the supermarket.

Eating sardines, including tuna and salmon even once or twice a week confers many healthy benefits. Obviously an all-around healthy diet will provide even more protection from other illnesses, too.
As everybody knows, sardines are popular fish since our ancestors. However, it is also a fact that there are many who do not like to eat sardines because of its offensive smell and rapid spoilage.

Knowing the character of it, I tried to study how to cook cutting down the smell and increase its fine taste from my mother. Furthermore, sardines are very rich in calcium, lecithin and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). EPA does an important role on preventing blood clot. The fish oil fatty acids reduce blood clotting by decreasing the stickiness of blood platelets.

Then, you should know the secret of sardines and its cooking techniques?
It's true that sardines are one of the weakest fishes. Sardines can easily crumple and rot which is the main reason most people dislike sardines. But if you know how to keep the shape of the sardine without crumpling, for sure you will like its great taste. It is because sardine itself removes or peels off scales for a certain reason which makes the shape of sardine collapses with its own weight and gravity. Of course, it is natural that collapsed fish meat does not taste good, just like rotten or deteriorated with empty taste.

To retain the freshness of the sardines, prepare a cooler box with water and ice cubes and place the sardines in it. This will keep the fish fresh.

Here's the reason sardines peel off its own scales. Sardines produce about ten thousand eggs, and because of that, it became the feed resource of other marine creatures. Sardines are exposed to the crisis of their lives. To escape or maneuver the attackers, sardines drop their own scales to make the eyes of the enemy black out.

Of course, sardines that lost their own scales are hurt and weak, so they easily die or spoil. You may notice that most sardines you buy in the markets have less or no scales. This is because of the unique habit of sardines to remove their scales when they were caught in the net.

How to Retain the Sardines at Best Condition

Sardine's salinity density is 1%; therefore, make an ice water of 1% salinity to balance and preserve the osmotic pressure. In this way, the excessive extract does not come out of the sardine's body. Also, it can hold down the offensive odor as well as its good taste. Sardines are one of the healthiest foodstuffs with rich calcium, EPA and lecithin contents.

As for calcium in fish, sardines are top class. 100g of sardines contains 70mg of calcium. This amount is 3 times than that of horse mackerel and 8 times that of mackerel. Also, sardines have the highest amount of EPA. There are 1,200mg of EPA for every 100g of sardines.

Trivia: Eating Fish Prevents Macular Degeneration

Salmon fish is well known to keep our heart and brain healthy. There are a lot of reasons to eat a nutrient-rich fishes to prevent age-related macular degeneration, especially eyesight. Cheap and abandoned fish is sardine. Eat sardines everyday. Sardine makes you healthy mentally and physically. Make it habitual to eat more fishes that contain fish oil and lutein, and cook with vegetables.

Get healthy with fish.


About the Author:
Junji Takano is a Japanese health researcher involved in investigating the cause of many dreadful diseases. In 1968, he invented PYRO-ENERGEN, the first electrostatic therapy device for electromedicine that effectively eradicates viral diseases, cancer, and diseases of unknown cause.
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Why You Should Eat More Sardines

by: Junji Takano

According to our old folks, eating sardines can help improve your blood circulation.

Also, its ability to prevent hypertension is widely known among sardine eaters since 400 years ago.


Sardines Help Lower Your High Blood Pressure

Sardines contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential unsaturated fatty acids that promote good cholesterol. These nutrients are vital in protecting your heart from various diseases including high blood pressure.

Sardines Can Help You Lose Weight

The sardine's omega-3 fatty acid and protein contents are responsible for accelerating the process of burning calories. It also increases metabolism and decreases lipids, therefore helping you in losing excess fat

In fact, in an animal experiment using genetically obese rats, rats consuming sardine oil show considerable amount of weight loss.

Sardines by themselves are very low in calories, so you can eat plenty of it without gaining weight...perfect for carbohydrate-conscious dieters!

If you are a diabetic patient, you will definitely benefit from a sardine diet for you to have safe blood sugar levels.

Here are 6 Other Amazing Health Benefits of Sardines

  1. Sardines help prevent the formation of blood clots in your body, reducing your risk of having a heart attack.
  2. Sardines are good for the brain and will improve your memory and brain performance, all because of its omega-3 fatty acids.
  3. You may not know this, but sardines contain high level of calcium that will help promote stronger bones. One small sardine has a calcium amount comparable to 4-6 glasses of cow's milk!
  4. Sardines contain several vitamins that improve your digestive tract.
  5. Eating sardines can help improve your blood circulation and prevent stiff neck.
  6. The omega-3 fatty acids help improve your skin texture and even prevent the formation of wrinkles. Say goodbye to pimples and blemishes!

What's the Best Way to Store Sardines?

Keeping the sardines fresh is not without difficulty. The flesh of the sardine is very weak and soft. I recommend that you let it dry under the sun. This method could boost its nutrients as much as four times and it will also taste a lot better.

Dried sardines can be toasted, fried, or cooked as you like. In our morning table, sardine is one of our main dishes. Probably, it is the reason that we can maintain our excellent health.
Sardines are one of the cheapest fishes in the market. When there's a good catch of sardines, I usually buy several baskets of it and I'll let it dry under the sun. We really enjoy it. Sardine is good for young schoolchildren to help enhance their memory and maintain their normal weight and height growth.

You can grind dried sardines into powder form and sprinkle it over your foods. You can make sardine bread, sardine cake, sardine ice cream, sardine candy, sardine biscuit, and sardine cookies. You name it! You can make just about anything with sardines.

About the Author:
Junji Takano is a Japanese health researcher involved in investigating the cause of many dreadful diseases. In 1968, he invented PYRO-ENERGEN, the first electrostatic therapy device for electromedicine that effectively eradicates viral diseases, cancer, and diseases of unknown cause.
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